The full (38 page) report can be viewed Here. Page 3 of the report has a table indicating the status and progress of each of the recommendation.
The full (38 page) report can be viewed Here. Page 3 of the report has a table indicating the status and progress of each of the recommendation.
These are now available for order, details are Here
A Christmas Shopping bus has been booked for the 15th December and will depart as usual from The Green at 08:00 hrs, returning at around 20:00 hrs in the evening. To book seats on it email Helynn MacLeod (, phone her on 01470572370 (leave a message if not in), or text her on 07786664142.
Click Here to download the final report of the Housing Survey that the Development Group carried out across the community in the summer. We had an excellent response (27% of households) so thanks to everyone who took the time and trouble to complete and return it.
7 of those who responded have housing needs, although only 1 of these had registered this with the council or LSHA. As a result of this we have now shared the report with potential housing partners, including Lochalsh & Skye Housing Association and the Highland Small Communities Housing Trust, with a view to progressing this aspect of the project.
We also collected other information as part of the survey and the results/feedback from this are also document in the report.
If you were one of the people that responded to Marine Scotland regarding the pre-application by Marine Biopolymers Ltd. for a license to dredge the seabed for kelp, then you may like to know that the Scoping Advice Letter to them has been published by Marine Scotland. You can download it from
If you fill in the search box above “Document Type” with “Seaweed” it will reduce the list to the relevant documents.
There is no facility to register an interest in future publication on this matter, but if you email Marine Scotland requesting they let you know, you may be lucky! Their email address is
The Community Council Minutes for 14th May, and the annual financial statement are now all available on the web site via the following link
The minutes to the 2017 AGM are available here
The next Community Council Meeting will take place on Monday 3rd September at the school starting 7 PM.
The Struan Community Council AGM will take place at Struan School at 19:00 on 13th June 2018.
The latest adopted Community Council Minutes for 26th March are available and can be viewed Here