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Struan Community Council Responses to Planning Applications

Further to a recent post on the “Skye Windfarm Information Group” (SWIG) Facebook Page of 5th August 2024 stating the Struan Community Council had objected to the proposed Ben Aketil Repower & Extension, we would like to make it clear that the Struan Community Council have not objected to the proposed development, simply made comment on the Traffic Management Plan for this and all other proposed Applications.

SWIG have advised that this was taken from Section 5.2 of the Officer Report of Handling of Ben Aketil, a Report which we are not aware of.

A copy of the comments made by Struan Community Council on this Application can be viewed on the Struan Community Website:

Struan CC would like to acknowledge and thank SWIG for updating their original post to note that Struan CC did not object to the Ben Aketil Wind Development, the error lies within the Highland Council Planning Report.

What’s on in Struan this weekend?

Craft Evening – Thursday 27th June 7.00 – 9.30pm at the School, all are welcome

Skip at the Recycling – Friday 28th June (for residents only)

Hot food followed by a quiz – Friday 28th June 6.30pm at the School, quiz starts approx. 7.30pm – Teams of up to 4, £10.

Caroy Beech clean – Saturday 29th June 10.00am – Meet at the entrance to the beach just beyond Chapel Croft

Community Skip

There will be a skip at the re-cycling point from Friday 28th June for use by Struan residents. Please do not leave anything outside the skip and do not fill it above the level of the sides as it will not be taken away. Also please note that there are many items that are not allowed in the skip (see note below). If any of these are found in the skip the community will be charged a substantial fee based on the weight of the whole skip. If this happens there will be no further Community Skips (which would be a shame).

Upcoming Events at the School

Saturday 22nd June 10:30 to 12:30: Coffee in the classroom, the fortnightly opportunity for a tea, coffee, biscuits and a blether, all are welcome

Monday 24th June 7.00pm Struan Community Trust AGM

Friday 29th June 6.30pm Quiz night, hot food from 6.30pm (for a donation), quiz starting at about 7.30pm, with raffle & refreshments.